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Meet Ryan


Ryan is a sophomore transfer and is currently struggling with adjusting to life at TCU and being away from home. Many students suffer from homesickness and when left untreated it can lead to issues with stress and anxiety.

Due to the stress and anxiety Ryan was having during his first semester at TCU, he felt unable to behave like his normal self in social situations. Because of this he struggled to be himself and make friends as easily as he normally would. 


Ryan said that while he understands the mental health stigma, he does not worry about what others may think about him getting help. He said he feels people should be more concerned about getting their mental state on the right track.

While some may find peace and relaxation from their problems in their room or at home, Ryan felt that his room was a place where the stress and anxiety found him the most. It ultimately led to him struggling to fall asleep, or at times, staying awake throughout the night. 

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